Cambridge MultiMedia Resources are specialist photographers who create photographs of products, buildings, people, concepts.
Approaching all projects with focused creative energy to ensure outcomes inline with the creative and commercial vision developed by close client collaboration.
Always engaging with great people and cutting-edge technology helps us to deliver great photographs on time and budget.
Some of the great people we have had the pleasure to work with;
ArtVPS, AV Eight, Bactest, BBC Architects, Bidwells, Breheny, Brookgate, Caroe Architecture, Coalesce, Coel, Delta-T Devices, DesignEdge, DisplayLite, Dulux Trade, Falconer Chester Hall, Frank Shaw Associates, G4 Group, Gowing and Hunt Limited, Hydro International, Junior Learning Inc., Kier Construction, Kier Plant, Kier Training, LDA, Matrix MSCI, Michell Instruments, Mighton Products, Mott MacDonald, OGSL, Pixel Power, Plastic Logic, PTFE Parts, Quality Solicitors, Reciva, Smart Kids, TTS-Group, Ubisense, Volker Fitzpatrick, Volker Stern, UNEP-WCMC, Yellow Door